> 春节2024 > 大年三十贴春联的做法英语





Chinese New Year, in the minds of the Chinese people the first day of Lunar New Year is the most important festival. It is a traditional custom for every family to write and paste Spring Festival couplets and lucky words on the doors or walls to celebrate the arrival of the new year. This practice has been passed down for thousands of years, symbolizing good luck, fortune, and prosperity for the coming year. The art of writing and pasting Spring Festival couplets has deep cultural significance and adds a festive atmosphere to the household.


In Chinese culture, besides writing and pasting Spring Festival couplets, there are other customs to celebrate the Lunar New Year, such as hanging lanterns and setting off firecrackers. These customs are believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the upcoming year. The phrase \"hang lanterns, set off firecrackers, stick couplet\" succinctly captures these traditional customs in English.


The past tense of \"paste the Spring Festival couplets\" is \"pasted the Spring Festival couplets\". During the previous celebrations of the Lunar New Year, people adhered to the tradition of writing and pasting Spring Festival couplets to welcome the new year with blessings and good wishes.


The English translation for \"贴对联\" is \"stick antithetical couplet\". Antithetical couplets are a unique art form in Chinese culture, often consisting of paired phrases or sentences written in calligraphy. The practice of sticking antithetical couplets on the door or wall during the Lunar New Year represents the hopes and wishes for a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.


In English, we would say \"We\'ll put antithetical couplets and lucky words on the door\". It is a common tradition during the Chinese New Year for people to decorate their homes by sticking antithetical couplets and lucky words. The antithetical couplets convey auspicious blessings, while the lucky words symbolize good fortune and happiness.

“春联”的英文怎么说 - wgrzrWkmXH3 的回答

The English translation for \"春联\" is \"Spring Festival couplets\" or \"New Year scrolls\".春联(Spring Festival couplets) is a traditional Chinese cultural practice where red paper is used to write auspicious phrases and then pasted on doors or walls to celebrate the Lunar New Year. It typically consists of a pair of antithetical couplets and a horizontal scroll, representing good wishes and blessings for the new year.


春联(Chunlian) is a type of Chinese traditional culture. Usually written on red paper, it is pasted on doors or walls to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Chunlian typically consists of a pair of antithetical couplets and a horizontal scroll. The couplets express good wishes and blessings for the new year, while the horizontal scroll serves as the focal point. Together, they symbolize fortune, happiness, and auspiciousness, creating a festive atmosphere and welcoming good luck for the upcoming year.


The English translation for \"春联\" is \"Spring couplets\" or \"Spring Festival couplets\". These couplets are an essential part of the Chinese New Year celebration, representing hopes for a prosperous and fortunate year ahead. Spring couplets are traditionally written on red paper and pasted on doors or walls, adding a festive touch to the holiday decorations.


The English translations for the given words are as follows:

  • 扫尘 - clean off dust
  • 贴春联 - paste Spring couplets
  • 贴窗花 - affix window paper-cut
  • 贴年画 - paste New Year paintings
  • 守岁 - stay up on New Year\'s Eve
  • 放爆竹 - set off firecrackers


The English translations for the given Chinese phrases are as follows:

  • 贴春联 - Pasted Spring couplets
  • 春节聚会 - Spring Festival gathering
  • 饺子 - dumpling
  • 中国饺子 - Chinese dumpling or tortellini